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Controversial topics: Gathering a few favoured posts and articles on Same-sex “marriage” and the SCOTUS ruling.

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I’ve read much on this topic over the past few weeks. As a rule, I am looking for authors who, if Christian, write with a clear demonstration of an attitude of humility, of compassion, of an unwavering commitment to hold to God’s truth with courage of conviction, and who show good reasoning skills. Sometimes, I will confess, I do enjoy a good satire, but those would be the exception rather than the rule. Mostly because satire tends to implicate a measure of disrespect through the delivery, and I’d prefer not to encourage that. But sometimes… And then, there are the secular articles and responses, which have caught my eye for varying reasons.

I want to put together here, for my own benefit, some of those links that I have kept over these past weeks. If they turn out to be of benefit to others, so much the better. If you have liberal leanings, you probably won’t appreciate this collection, and may want to consider moving on to the next post (BUT) perhaps, and something I would hope for, you will read through the links, and honestly evaluate and weigh the thoughts and ideas shared. Come, be a Berean with me….

The Biblical Response to #LoveWins (Dr. Michael Youssef)

Statement by Gov. Perry on SCOTUS Same-Sex Marriage Ruling


How Can Homosexuality Be Wrong if It Doesn’t Harm Anyone? (Russell Moore, J. D. Greear, and Voddie Baucham)

How Not To Talk About Homosexuality in Romans 1 (Dr Joel Hoffman)


Australian Religious Leaders Call On PM And Parliament to Uphold True Meaning of Marriage

Tony Campolo: For the Record  and Holding It Together (foundational document for the next articles/posts)

An Open Letter to Tony Campolo (Dr Michael Brown)


Which Way, Evangelicals? There is Nowhere to Hide (Albert Mohler)

So-Called Same-Sex Marriage, Lamenting the New Calamity (John Piper, Desiring God)

Same Sex Marriage and a Christian Pastor’s Response (Dermot Cottuli)

Should We Expect Non-Christians to be Moral? (Israel Wayne)

I’m Gay, And I Oppose Same-Sex Marriage

Here We Stand, An Evangelical Declaration on Marriage (The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission)

Marriage: What It Is, Why It Matters, and the Consequences of Redefining It (Ryan T. Anderson)

“Gay Christianity” Refuted! (Dr James White)


There are over 40,000 preachers ready to stand against the government.

A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights (Dawn Stefanowicz-The Public Discourse)

Pro-Lifers Didn’t Give Up After Roe v. Wade. Here Are 3 Critical Steps to Take on Marriage. (Ryan T. Anderson)

Rosaria Butterfield on the Christian Response to Homosexuality (YouTube)


Is It Right to Judge? (James Melton)

My Exchange with Two New York Times Writers on Marriage Equality and Civility (Ryan T. Anderson)

A Few Thoughts on the Profaning of Marriage in the United States (Dr James White)


A Believing Response to Matthew Vines’ 40 Questions (Dr James White)

Time for a Little Q & A (re Matthew Vines 40 questions) (Douglas Wilson)

Baker Has a Message for the Gov’t Official Who Just Fined Him $135,000 for Declining a Gay Wedding Cake: ‘He’s Doing This With the Wrong Christian’ (The Blaze)


Presbyterian Church considers withdrawing from Marriage Act if gay marriage allowed (SMH)

Senator regrets media’s loss of objectivity in same-sex marriage debate (ACL)

Religious freedom and same-sex marriage need not be incompatible (The Australian)

Take Heed (Nicholas T. Batzig)


Family: Why My Kids Don’t Come First

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Some wise words from Danielle Jones on building a healthy identity and relationships within the family…I must confess this is a post that resonated deeply with me, simply because of my own family of origin story, and not just to one generation, but three. My prayer? That I might be a blessing to my children in these areas of their lives, and be part of a new story from this generation forward. God is merciful, He is good, He is faithful, and He redeems.

So, “…how do we avoid the pitfalls…?

God Comes First…

My Marriage Comes Next…

My Kids Don’t Fulfill Me…I can be tempted to find my identity  and heart’s fulfillment in and through what my children do or accomplish. I may see this in myself when my kids joyfully obey me, do well scholastically, or succeed in sports. Do I find my self-worth in their accomplishments? If they fail am I angry because I feel like a bad parent? Do I idolize the idea of having my kids live close by, visit often, or choose certain jobs when they grow up?

I’ve observed quite a few parents who still struggle with finding approval from their children even into their adulthood. Whether it’s giving them emotional guilt trips or trying to manipulate how close they live to each other, not letting our children live their own lives can really hurt a parents’ relationship with their adult child. A relationship built on guilt or manipulation doesn’t breed healthy relationships.

Yet it’s now—while my kids are young—that I must start creating healthy relational boundaries with my kids. Emotional guilt trips may work, but they will not create a genuine bond. Manipulation may be successful, but is that how I want to teach my kids to relate to others? Each child is created by God and has their own special purpose in life; I must not hold them back from doing or going where God leads by making them feel tethered to making me happy in their choices….”

Please read the rest of the post here: Why My Kids Don’t Come First


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Dr Michael Brown, speaking to the counter culture phenomena of the growth of conservative churches…God and the gospel are at work…

“…People are looking for certainty, not ambiguity, for truth, not speculation, and they are willing to commit themselves to a cause if they can find a worthy one. (I remember a young man telling me in 2000, “Give us a cause, and we’ll die for it.”)

When we preach a water-downed gospel and call for no more commitment than showing up at an occasional church service, we will attract a certain crowd that wants to satisfy its religious itch, but we will not attract true disciples, those willing to take up the cross and follow Jesus, those willing to go against the grain of the world and do what is right regardless of cost or consequence.

That’s because if Jesus is one of many ways to God, his death on the cross becomes pointless. And if we sit as judges on the Scriptures (rather than the Scriptures judging us), it becomes just another book, even if it is a really good book. As Augustine once commented, “If you believe what you like in the Gospel, and reject what you don’t like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself…”

Health and Healing Naturally: “5 Supplements to Consider This Year”

Health and Healing Naturally: “5 Supplements to Consider This Year”

The 5 supplements that Lindsey Dietz talks about in this post for Gnowflins are all familiar to our family, and 4 are in regular use in our home (especially during this Autumn and Winter period!). I recommend looking into them if any of the health issues mentioned below sound at all familiar. At the end of this post, I’ll mention where we source our supplements from here in Australia, in case that is of help to someone!

“I would like to be clear: I don’t think supplements are the answer to everything. I’m a firm believer that you can’t out-supplement a poor diet. A diet consisting largely of wild-caught fish, pastured meats, raw dairy products, traditionally-prepared grains, and lacto-fermented foods is always your best line of defense. But I also understand that there are seasons of life when obtaining these foods may be difficult or unaffordable. Sometimes you’re just too busy or tired to keep up with life in general — supplementing your diet temporarily could be a lifesaver…..

Today, I just want to help tired mommas and grandmas and teachers and farmers and anyone else in the world who can stand up and shout, “I’m tired!”  Well, you actually can’t stand up and shout it because you are conserving every last precious ounce of energy that you have, but you get the point.

The truth is, we’re not supposed to be tired all the time. Maybe you do need to make some changes to your lifestyle: do less, sleep more, quit coffee, go for a walk, yada, yada, yada. Those are great, but what happens when you do all that and you’re still tired?

It might be time for some outside help in the form of wonderful and inexpensive supplements that can help you correct nutritional deficiencies. These deficiencies contribute to stress, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, heart palpitations, weight gain, and more. A few of these supplements I was already taking, but I’m increasing my dose. Others I’m adding in for the first time….”

Please go here to read the full post: 5 Supplements to Consider This Year by Lindsey Dietz for Gnowflins

As promised, here are the links to where we purchase 4 of these supplements from for our own family. We purchase our Epsom Salts from Blants, our Iodine from iHerb, our Cod Liver Oil from GPA Wholefoods or GAPS Australia, and our Desiccated Liver from GPA Wholefoods.

Vaccination: “Sorry, in the Vaccine Debate, the ‘Experts’ are the Historians”

Vaccination: “Sorry, in the Vaccine Debate, the ‘Experts’ are the Historians”

There is more to the history of vaccination than just morbidity and mortality figures for given diseases…much, much more. This is a great entree to get you started if your historical research has been limited thus far to the bare figures without their context.


Do you want to know who are the real experts in the debate on vaccine safety and efficacy? No, it’s not the scientists. Nope, it’s not the medical researchers. Nah, not the doctors. It’s the historians — those who know history and understand the lessons of history, and argue passionately against mindlessly repeating the mistakes of the past — those who do not have financial interests, conflicts of interest, or personal agendas.

Those who understand the human toll of the DDT (Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) fumigations during 1946-1972. Those who understand the human tragedy of DES (Diethylstilbestrol) given to pregnant women during 1938-1971. Those who understand the human horror of using Thalidomide to alleviate morning sickness in pregnant women beginning in 1957. Those who understand the countless and ongoing recalls of prescription drugs such as Vioxx that kill or maim hundreds of thousands of patients.

And finally, those who understand that the so-called…

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