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Tag Archives: Christianity

Christianity: “Charleston victims wield power of forgiveness”

“They said they forgave him — the very soul who, days earlier police said, held the weight of the gun, pulled the trigger and, having seen the mess of blood spurting from one writhing victim, continued to another. And another. And another. Until nine lay deadon the seats and the floor of a Christian house of worship…

One after another, the relatives of the slain, begging Roof to turn to God. One after another, they prayed for his soul. One after another, they forgave him.

It was neither expected nor explicable, that forgiveness. Such forgiveness is unseen in the animal world, is illogical in the rational world, is nonsensical to common human nature. Such forgiveness is humanity at its most human, or perhaps its most divine.

….The forgiveness from Charleston does not deny that our society desperately needs reform.

The forgiveness from Charleston does not deny the justice that must follow acts of racism and hatred.

Those conversations must be had. And with them, let us look to the people of EmanuelAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church. Together, they have been overcoming the evils of slavery, hatred and prejudice for 200 years. Together, they cling to a hope that overcomes evil with good.

Last August, I listened to a recorded phone call with a pastor in Iraq. Islamic State terrorists had encircled his city, and he expected they would soon be headed to his church — to enforce their own murderous hatred upon him and his church members. Through tears, the Iraqi Christian prayed these words to his God: ISIS doesn’t know what they are doing, so please forgive them.

His words, and the words of so many from Emanuel AME, echo another famous forgiveness. Two thousand years ago, a man uttered these words, even as he was being crucified:

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Please read the entire article here: Charleston victims wield power of forgiveness

Ann of “A Holy Experience’ answers a few questions about homeschooling and their family…

Ann of “A Holy Experience’ answers a few questions about homeschooling and their family…

A great deal of what Ann shares in her post, resonates with us and our family’s choice to homeschool. ….

“…homeschooling is this magnificent crucible, to reveal impurities and sinfulness and brokenness.

It keeps us on our knees. Homeschooling often hurts and disappoints.

You cry and wonder if you are insane to try to educate these children, to disciple these little hearts, while laundering, cooking, cleaning, managing a household, and still being a wife, a sister, a daughter, a missionary in your community, a servant to Christ and in your faith community. And He smiles and say that He walks with you, has grand and glorious purposes, and He understands radical and crazy!

Homeschooling is about going higher up and deeper in, for you learn to sacrificially love in ways you have never loved before. You come to know your own heart in ways you never imagined, the souls of your children in intimate, very real ways.

For you will be together, making memories together, laughing together, crying together, praying together, and asking forgiveness together. Throughout your day, you worship God, together. And you learn to die-to-self together. It’s about doing hard things… together. And there will be no fragmentation of learning, home-life, friends, work, God.”

Read the rest of the post here: Why Be Crazy Enough to Homeschool?

Where is our treasure….where is my treasure?

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“I was actually just starting to feel a little sorry for myself. I was on the sidelines at my daughter’s soccer game while a group of parents stood behind me laughing and chatting. As the game went on they talked and talked about all the great things they’ve done, the homes they’ve bought, the vacations they’ve enjoyed, the lessons their kids have taken. One even talked about his bright yellow Corvette that was parked conspicuously nearby.

Their lives sounded pretty good. They sounded better than mine, if I was comparing. I thought about what it must cost to take that annual trip to the Caribbean. I thought about what it must cost to get that new kitchen. I thought about the difference between a second car that is a sensible, family-friendly sedan and a second car that is built purely for thrills. And for a moment I wanted it. I wanted it all.

The Christians I know choose to downgrade their lifestyle in order to upgrade their giving.
But…it struck me: The cost of all of that stuff is the cost of generosity.”

Read the rest of the article here: The Cost of Radical Generosity

“Why I choose to believe the Bible”…a valuable conversation

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The kids and I re-watched the following Youtube video of Voddie Baucham, explaining with great clarity the following topic,”Why I choose to believe the Bible” over our lunchtime a few days ago. We had listened to this presentation a couple of years ago, and after a recent discussion with a friend that had prompted me to share the link, it seemed a good opportunity to do a review. Especially with the kids all a couple of years older, and our theological discussions becoming more and more in-depth, there is much value to be had in the inevitable discussion that follows as well. Our children continue to amaze me with their reasoning skills and theological knowledge, which completely eclipses what I was like at their ages. God has been faithful, and full of grace and mercy, and I see answers to this mother’s prayers for her children unfolding before me daily. My prayer for many years has been that they would have a maturity of character and faith far ahead of my own at the same ages, and truly I see the good fruit of what God is doing in their lives. All glory to Him! His grace is enough.

Whether or not you are a Christian, I encourage you to listen to this presentation, and to weigh Voddie’s claims for yourself. Don’t let anyone else do it for you second hand. There is gold to be found….make it your own discovery.

“Don’t let your excuses become obstacles…Speak up. Share the truth.” J Warner Wallace

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“…When was the last time you shared the truth about Jesus with someone at work, at school, at family gatherings or (dare I say) in public? I bet if you are honest, it’s been a while. For the majority of us (yes, the majority) it’s probably never happened.

I’ve written about evangelism quite a bit at, and I think there are several obstacles (either real or imagined) that keep us from sharing what we know to be true. Here is my list, hyperlinked to articles I’ve written to help you overcome whatever fears may have:

1. We mistakenly think our beliefs about Christianity are entirely subjective

2. We think we have to be a theologian or apologist to share effectively….”

Read the rest of the post here: If Religious Freedom Is So Important, Why Do So Few of Us Exercise it?